Tuesday 9 June 2020

How Interior Directory Signs Provide Ease To Visitors

Are you facing customer complaints because of difficulty navigating your space? Do people often moan about not being able to find out where the business they wanted to visit is located on the premises? GPS can navigate people to a building but it cannot help them get around within the building itself.

Cure this common frustration visitors have with interior directory signs. These are not only excellent wayfinding tools, but they are also a great branding opportunity as well. Read on to understand how interior building directory signs located in lobbies and foyers can improve the customer experience.

Do You Need Interior Directory Signs?

Not every business premises can benefit from indoor directory signs. For instance, a small store, a restaurant, or a small commercial office will not derive much benefit. There is not much separation of space in such settings and it is easy enough for visitors to get where they want to. Here are some establishments that definitely require directories:
  • Shared workspaces and co-working spaces
  • Mid-size and larger offices
  • Commercial buildings
  • Educational institutions
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Hotels
  • Supermarkets
  • Strip malls and shopping malls

How Interior Directory Signs Help Visitors

Visitor information

First things first, business directories tell visitors what businesses are located in the building and where. This serves to confirm they are in the right place and reduces confusion.


Signs will mention more than the name of the business but also where they are located and other wayfinding information. An example is the use of arrows to show visitors the direction they need to head in or the floor they need to be on.


Businesses invest heavily in brand awareness and people recognize color combinations and logos sometimes more easily than they do names. Incorporating these into individual directory lists attracts a person’s attention and bolsters confirmation bias.

Reduce administrative burden

Visitors no longer have to walk up to the receptionist, the helpdesk or a security guard for directions. This reduces stress because many people don’t like asking for directions.

Self-guided visitors

Building on the above, visitors much prefer to find where they have to go on their own. Perhaps self-reliance is a human instinct, but we heard anecdotally people are much more satisfied when they are able to navigate in a building unaided.

Tips for Designing Business Directory Signs

Indoor directory signs are an excellent canvas – but you have to put them to good use. Here are some things to keep in mind when designing interior building directory signs.
Placement – Directory signs should be visible within a few seconds of someone entering a building
Font – Avoid cursive fonts and ensure letters are large enough to read unaided.
Color – Use contrasting colors for maximum legibility
Branding – Provide another brand touchpoint and potential revenue generation for the owner of the premises
ADA or AODA compliance – Make the space accessible for all patrons
Changeable lettering – Lets you modify the sign when businesses move

Need Directory Signs in Aurora?

Need business directory signs for your premises in Aurora? Insight Signs is one of the largest and most respected sign companies in the city. We work with businesses large and small for all their signage needs. High quality signs at affordable prices – that’s our motto. Speak to a representative about standard and custom directory signs.