Thursday 6 October 2022

Six Things You Need To Know When Designing Your Storefront Sign


Making a good first impression is important for any business. Who wouldn’t want their store to be noticed right away?  Here is where storefront signs play a crucial role in establishing your brand’s presence and expanding your customer base.

Installing well-designed business storefront signs is essential for small and big businesses. They give your business an identity that will stand out among others in your area.

how can you create a sign that balances branding and style?

  • Identify what you really need

Before you start with the design process for your signage, make sure that you have everything you need for the sign. What is the purpose of the sign? What color scheme should you follow? Is there any existing design you want to match with? What is your budget? These questions should be answered first before proceeding with your project to avoid future problems.

  • Keep it legible

As much as you want to use fancy font styles to catch attention, it must not be forgotten that your sign should be readable. Adding too much glitz and glam that your target customers can no longer read what is on the sign will defeat its purpose.

  • Let it breathe

Understandably, you want your customers to know a lot of things about your business, your products, and the services offered, but it should not compromise your signs’ legibility. You need to make sure that your graphics and text have enough space between them. Remember our goal, your sign should be readable even from a distance.

  • Color it right

Colors will make your custom storefront sign pop. But you should take note that not all colors complement each other. Consulting the color wheel to know which colors work together is a good place to start.

  • Know your purpose

You only have a few seconds to capture your customer’s attention, so make your sign count. By keeping the message of your sign short and simple, you can ensure that your brand is perceived by your customers exactly how you want it.

  • Stick to your brand

Staying true to your brand’s identity will help increase familiarity among your customers for a better business recall. Just by seeing your color scheme, customers can easily associate it with your business and the products and services you offer.

Your Storefront Signs Expert in Toronto

Insight Signs & Graphics  takes pride in providing quality custom storefront signs that exceed our client’s expectations. We understand the need to have the right balance of creating a lasting impression while showing a stylish design for your signage. Learn more about our different storefront signs straight from the experts. Contact us now for a free consultation.

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